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  1. T bad review. Don't deposit here!

    6 months isn't that long tbh. Come back after a year or two and let us know if you still feel the same way.
  2. T

    FortuneJack review? KYC and withdrawals question.

    @rex_pokermaniac Haha, those were the days! But let's be real, it was only a matter of time before regulation caught up. At least now we have some protection against truly dodgy operators. @witenoise79 , stick with it mate. FortuneJack isn't perfect, but they're not out to scam you for $600...
  3. T

    Is buying bonuses in Pragmatic Play games worth it?

    Pragmatic Play’s games are visually impressive, but the actual bonus buy feature can be a bit hit or miss. If you’re finding that the returns aren’t justifying the cost, it might be worth exploring other games or providers that offer better value for your money.